Open-source packages
- WeatherReport.jl
- CoinbaseProExchange.jl
- CryptoDashApp.jl
- BitcoinRPC.jl
- Spotify.jl
- BTC_blockchain_analytics
- Spotify_data_analysis
- Health_data_analysis (Talk at JuliaCon 2022)
- GitHub_data_analysis
- CoinGecko_API_analysis
Academic papers
- ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2018, 1, 2, 725-735
- Macromol. Theory Simul. 2016, 25, 550–558
- J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 2016, 54, 2448–2456
Blog posts on Medium
Working with MS SQL Server in Julia - Time to supercharge your data analysis workflow
A Guide to Building your First Decentralized Website in 2023 - Has web 3.0 really become mainstream?
When will the Ethereum “Merge” Happen? - Make your own prediction in a few lines of Julia code
Visualizing Developer Activity via the GitHub API - Can we somehow measure open source love?
Connect to the Bitcoin Network using Julia - A neat way to access real time blockchain data
Blockchain Analytics using Julia - Let’s parse some blocks and find out what really goes in there
Are Your Playlists Groovy Enough? - Let’s find out by using Spotify’s public API along with Julia
Interactive Crypto Dashboard Powered by Julia - A fun way to visualize historical market data
Visualizing COVID-19 Data using Julia - Exploring a powerful alternative to Python and R
Blog posts on Hashnode
How to Compile Your Own Custom Linux Kernel? - For when it’s time to take matter in your own hands
The Path Not Taken - A quick primer on dealing with file paths in Julia
Learn SQL via the Command-Line Shell - A fast and easy way to brush up your database skills